Our 1935 Ford will be at the Lamar Days Rod Run car show Saturday, May 20 at Willow Creek Park. (The blog continues below the video).
Bennie Fischer, who was Sheri Bowen’s father, said he owned the car in the late 1930s. He became separated from it in the 1940s and repurchased the ‘35 in the early 1980s. He said he knew it was the right car because it had the same dent in the back fender. Bennie’s son-in-law, Chuck Bowen, had the car restored and painted as close as possible to its original color.

Joe Gonzalez did the body work—George Demas did the machine work—Hank Neiberger did the mechanic work—the upholstery work was done at Bob’s Upholstery in La Junta—the glasswork was completed at Morgan and Sons Glass Inc. in La Junta—Rick Francis also helped with work on the car.

Chuck has placed the ‘35 in the car show twice before, in 2014 and 2015. The last time the car ran was in 2015, and it still runs great today.

Come check out the car at the Rod Run car show and also come see our Sand Creek booth. We will have books available to purchase. See more about our Sand Creek discovery on this website. Information may be seen at our blog on here: Blog.
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Great to see that car we had so much fun in during the 60s when my brother, Steve Hollis. So glad Bennie rescued it from our farm and that Chuck got it restored. Nice to find out who did the work.