
Colorado Getaways 2005 Video

By Mike Bowen

Co-author, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site

Eighteen years ago, April 2004, Doug Whitehead with Denver’s Channel 4, featured Chuck and Sheri Bowen’s Sand Creek Tours business on Colorado Getaways. 

Chuck Bowen contacted Whitehead after he saw a Colorado Getaways program featuring the traditional Sand Creek site, where the monument sits. Bowen informed him the site they were on is not the place where the Indians camped or where the battle happened. At that time, the Bowens had discovered over 3,000 artifacts, and Chuck informed Whitehead about the discovery and that they offered tours to the discovery site, what the Bowens call the Lost Sand Creek Site, on the Bowen family ranch.

Doug Whitehead mentions it’s 1 1/2 miles up the creek from the monument. It’s actually closer to 2 1/2 miles up the creek from the monument.

Read the full account in our book— you can get a copy here: We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site

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