Welcome to our blog. We hope you are enjoying our book, We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site. We will be posting behind the scenes stories from our book, artifact photos, history of our ranch, family history, and how our discovery affects the traditional Sand Creek story.

We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site was a labor of love and is decades in the making. I have a unique perspective with Sand Creek—it’s where I grew up and raised cattle, so I was very familiar with the land descriptions eyewitnesses wrote about. I became aware in 1993 the site may have been mismarked and by 1995, my wife, Sheri, began studying eyewitness accounts, and I started searching for Sand Creek battle artifacts.
This book lays out our plan in detail which documents we used and how we used them to find places to search. It also goes into detail on what we found, where it was found, and the story it tells.
I’ve spent more time on this part of Sand Creek than anyone, especially those that have studied and written about it. Most people that have written about Sand Creek have never been there. Not only have I been there, I now have over 70 years of experience on the ranch on Sand Creek.
We look forward to sharing these stories and behind the scenes from our book with you.
Check back every week for new blog entries.
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